One of our account executives, Terry Tacker, called me on Wednesday morning to inform me of a rumor circling around Waco this week.
Terry had a client tell him they wanted to commit to "You Make The Call," but they heard I was leaving.
Would someone mind telling me when?
I'm locked-and-loaded with ESPN Radio-Waco and I have no plans on leaving anytime soon.
I've said this before, and I'll say it again, I have fallen in love with Waco and Central Texas.
In fact, I'm so busy (in a good way) right now I don't have time to think about tomorrow much less next week, next month or six-months from now.
So, let me make this very clear, "I'm not going anywhere."
We have so much on the table right now and I want to be right smack in the middle of all of it...and a lot of people at the radio station have upped the ante to support what we're trying to do with the changes and revisions, and in some cases, status-quo.
Seriously, I need to mention everyone who first listened to my goals here and I'm sure some of them rolled their eyes, "whatever." Kind of like our daughter whenever I told her something silly.
Oh well, some of those goals are done, some are starting now and some into the future.
Gary Moss
Bill LeGrand
Mary Montanez
Phyllis Curry
Terry Tacker
Rich Richardson
Becky LeGrand
Linda Hill
Kisha Davis
Leslie J.
Zach Burke
Butch Henry
Paul Catalina
Jason Barringer
Zach Burke
Others who have helped who are involved 1660ESPN and/or Mix92.9 and/or 104.9TheBeat:
Dustin Drew
Beth Richards
Jessica Goodlett
Tony Loomer
Zach Burke
And, to those helping during H.S. Football season, Lark, Tom, Derek, and Coach Tusa.
Oh, better not forget the two best Interns in the country, Jordan and Regan.
Scoreboard show crew, Zach Burke, Jason Barringer and Tony Loomer.
They sure have made our remote appearances better looking.
And, I'll give a "shout-out" to former Interns, Corbin and Blake...
And, there are many others throughout Waco and Central Texas, people, friends, sponsors, just so many people who have given me advice, suggestions and support.
I can't thank everyone enough for making this such a smooth transition.
I stay up late with this blog or preparing for a game broadcast or the show, or our websites, and I don't even think about how late.
And, I can't wait to get back up the next morning and start towards the next goals and responsibilities.
I put this up on Twitter two weeks ago, "A great job is when you don't count the hours you work, and you don't know how many vacation or sick days you have left."
Believe me, when that time comes (spring, summer), I'll get my down-time, I'll hit the little white ball around here or somewhere and do everything possible to get up to Hot Springs Village---my favorite golf destination (where I haven't been in two years).
Okay, enough emotional slobber, I have work to do.
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