Sunday, April 24, 2011

Happy Easter, Family Love, Our gifted son Craig...

My wife of 29-years, Cindy, and our son, Craig, just left to drive back to Tyler. Our daughter, Jennifer, just left for her drive back to Plano.

Cindy and Craig have Monday off and will chill out and get some rest, Jennifer has to work first thing on Monday morning, as do I.

The four of us just had a memorable Easter Weekend, and I can't count the tears when they had to leave.

I miss all of them so much and we're as tight as a family as we've ever been. Although a person may be fortunate to have an endless number of friends, it's family that is everything. My family has been incredibly loyal through thick and thin, and I want to share a poem our son wrote on my Easter card.

You've heard me mention how incredibly talented and gifted he is---and even more so, what a caring young man he has always been.


Pain comes with love,

Love comes with pain,

Things happen in life that we never can change,

We're better in forgiveness than we are estranged,

But, always having you here makes me know things will be okay,

I love you as a fighter, a father, a friend,

I'll stand toe to toe with you and battle til the end,

Sometimes in life things just aren't fair,

But the love our family shares can never be compared,

What happens will happen and their will be deal after deal,

Just know I truly love you forever and for real.

Happy Easter Dad.


Well, that says it all. I'm a very lucky husband and father.

David Smoak

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