Saturday, October 9, 2010

Enjoying a Saturday of peace and quiet...

I'm here at my place watching Baylor-Tech and their 7-on-7 shootout. Bears had such a nice start but appear to be a little overwhelmed right now, Tech up 45-28 but Bears are driving.

Bears defense really struggling today with missed tackles and against Tech's offense or any offense, that's death.

Kendall Wright having a nice game as is Robert Griffin III.

Art Briles has pulled out the stops with the fake punt to Antonio Johnson, and what a heads-up play by Terrance Ganaway on the onside kick meltdown by Tech when he picked it up and went in for the touchdown.

Still time left, but BU has to basically score on every possession and the defense must come up with a stop or two...

I'm feeling better, a little worn down from my first broadcast in three weeks, great game between Gatesville and China Spring. Cougars survived, 24-21 to open district with a victory.

We have a battle for first place next Friday between Robinson and China Spring at Cougar Stadium. We'll have the dual broadcast on 1660ESPN and Mix929FM. Paul Catalina and I will handle the broadcast for both programs.

Enjoy your weekend, and I hope to be back on "You Make The Call" on Monday afternoon.


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